某储备粮的“学习笔记” - cs349 http://blog.gregwym.info/tag/cs349/ XLib初接触 http://blog.gregwym.info/xlib-chu-jie-chu.html 2011-05-15T04:24:52+08:00 XLib是X Window编程的基础Library, 使用时首先需要在文件头中#include <X11/Xlib.h> 在绘制图形界面之前, 第一步要连接到一个Display. 就好比画画之前先要找到一张桌子或者画板, 你不能举着一张纸直接就往上泼墨...// Open display Display* display; display = XOpenDisplay(""); if(!display){ printf("Cannot open display\n"); exit(-1); } 之后可以通过一些函数, 获取当前Display的各种信息. 如需要, 可以保存到variable里供后边绘图时候使用.int printScreenInfo(Display* display){ int screen_num; // 当前屏幕的编号 int screen_width; // 当前屏幕的宽度 int screen_height; // 当前屏幕的高度 Window root_window; // root窗口的编号 unsigned long white_pixel; // 白色像素的编号 unsigned long black_pixel; // 黑色像素的编号 screen_num = DefaultScreen(display); screen_width = DisplayWidth(display, screen_num); screen_height = DisplayHeight(display, screen_num); root_window = RootWindow(display, screen_num); white_pixel = WhitePixel(display, screen_num); black_pixel = BlackPixel(display, screen_num); printf("Screen Number: \t%d\n Width: \t%d\n Height: \t%d\n Root: \t%d\n White: \t%d\n Black: \t%d\n", screen_num, screen_width, screen_height, root_window, white_pixel, black_pixel); return 0; } 画板摆好以后, 就要在上边铺上一张用来画画的纸, 也就是一个窗口...// Define window properties Window window; int x, y; unsigned int width, height, border_width; width = 850; height = 470; x = y = 50; border_width = 0; // Define display constants int screen_num = DefaultScreen(display); unsigned long white_pixel = WhitePixel(display, screen_num); unsigned long black_pixel = BlackPixel(display, screen_num); // Create window window = XCreateSimpleWindow(display, RootWindow(display, screen_num), x, y, width, height, border_width, black_pixel, white_pixel); // Map win to display & Flush display XMapWindow(display, win); XFlush(display); 万事俱备只欠画画儿了`XLib的function都挺容易看懂的...int drawInterface(Display* display, Window window, unsigned long black_pixel, unsigned long white_pixel ){ // Define GCs for drawing GC foregc; foregc = XCreateGC (display, window, 0, 0); XSetBackground( display, foregc, black_pixel ); XSetForeground( display, foregc, white_pixel ); // Start Drawing XClearWindow(display, window); // Door XDrawRectangle(display, window, foregc, 1, 1, 630, 460); XFillRectangle(display, window, foregc, 66, 66, 480, 330); // Dashboard XDrawRectangle(display, window, foregc, 633, 1, 215, 460); XDrawRectangle(display, window, foregc, 650, 45, 185, 330); // Timer XDrawRectangle(display, window, foregc, 660, 60, 160, 65); // And More... // Flush display to show everything changed XFlush(display); } Event Handling的部分晚点再整理