
by 咳嗽di小鱼

As you can see, I changed the entire blog into english, except the posts I wrote before and the blog title. It doesn't mean I will not write in Chinese any more. It's because I thought, in order to be standing out among the people around North America, I gotta have something the North America people can read and understand.

Just finished my 3B term @ University of Waterloo. Learnt a lot, worked a lot...
Things that I was or is recently working on:

  • doGRT: Going to implement the iPad UI. Refactor the entire app if I have time.
  • Moe FM: Refactoring the entire app. Adding bunch of new features. (Hope you guys are still waiting for it)
  • CampusNav: It's the project we made for our Software Architecture class. I'm planning to push it to the App Store.
  • Yodo1 SDK: Review and help improve the SDK.

These should be able to keep me busy for my Summer, lol. Gotta stop playing around and start working now.

Wish everyone has a nice summer.

弄完最后的物理作业本想接着把STAT也搞定`可看看有8页之多...还是先睡一觉再说吧, 这两天时差又乱套了, 要调回来.
距离12点还有点时间, 换换脑子随便写点东西...

高中的时候就折腾过WordPress, 借朋友的空间搭了个小博`写了两句就没兴致继续下去了. 大部分时间都花在了研究各种插件上边. 但不知道为什么, WordPress一直就没有让我有强烈的归属感. 虽然它插件很多, 主题很多, 能高度定制化...可都少了点什么.


添加了各种杂七杂八的插件以后, 单侧栏恐怕都塞不下了, 再配上本就没什么几篇的博文列表, 整个页面显得臃肿杂乱`主次颠倒, 自然也就没有了继续下去的动力.
虽然这算是我自己的客观因素...但WordPress越长越肥, 功能繁多却不实用的现状是毋庸置疑的.

不记得到底是先注意到Typecho, 还是先动了玩VPS的主意, 反正这俩分不开. 在某博看到Typecho的介绍和他简洁的风格时就决定了我肯定要抛弃WordPress了.


  • 安装只要填写管理员, 站点信息和数据库配置就万事大吉, 一步到位.
  • 一个博客需要的东西, 五脏俱全. 在添加了代码加亮, 博客友联等几个常用插件之后, 可以直接开拔.
  • 后台就是简简单单的内容+评论管理, 和外观设定.
  • 主题导入后, 自己调整些零碎也很得心应手.
  • 数据库一共只有6张表.
  • 主题文件只分, 头`脚`内容`评论`侧栏`列表...外加一张style-sheet. 从头到脚透露这简单的概念.

按Typecho官方说法, 一个完全重写的全新后台系统正在开发中, 实在是非常期待.
有想法要好好学习下Typecho的源码, 不过还是先考完试再说吧.

附个在别处看到的相关短文, 深以为然:

