
by 咳嗽di小鱼

Back to the time it works

In my last release of doGRT, I was proudly announcing the AUTO UPDATE feature. The feature which would let my user updates the schedule data without update the entire app from the App Store. I spent quite a bit of time to implement this feature, and put the schedule data on a place that I thought will never let me down - Github.

Seriously, it was working like a charm. At least during the time I was testing it. Unfortunately, the feature died before anyone can actually try it out.

What happened?

Right before the schedule season change, Github put out a blog post saying "Goodbye, Uploads". At the main while, they replaced the Downloads Section with Tags and completely disabled the upload.

So what does that mean?

Even tho Github will keep the downloads page for 90 days, I cannot upload any new file to it. Cannot upload means I cannot tell my app "A newer version of schedule is available, go download it!!!!"

How sad is that`T_T

Github, can't you tell me this a bit earlier? or allow upload for extra 90 days? sigh

What I'm going to do?

First, I wanna say sorry to doGRT users. If it is not the case, you guys would have the hot and fresh holiday schedule in your hand now. This situation should have been avoided if I have left enough flexibility in my implementation.

Of course, I'm going to fix it! Going to release a quick fix version with Winter schedule first.

The more feature I'm working on:

  • Day picker: Look up schedules for a specific day, so you can plan ahead.
  • Bus reminder: Remind you to catch/get off at a curtain bus stop
  • GRT Twitter message intergration

Feel free to @gregwym on twitter about your suggestions. Or you can email me through the feedback button in the app.

Merry Christmas,

As you can see, I changed the entire blog into english, except the posts I wrote before and the blog title. It doesn't mean I will not write in Chinese any more. It's because I thought, in order to be standing out among the people around North America, I gotta have something the North America people can read and understand.

Just finished my 3B term @ University of Waterloo. Learnt a lot, worked a lot...
Things that I was or is recently working on:

  • doGRT: Going to implement the iPad UI. Refactor the entire app if I have time.
  • Moe FM: Refactoring the entire app. Adding bunch of new features. (Hope you guys are still waiting for it)
  • CampusNav: It's the project we made for our Software Architecture class. I'm planning to push it to the App Store.
  • Yodo1 SDK: Review and help improve the SDK.

These should be able to keep me busy for my Summer, lol. Gotta stop playing around and start working now.

Wish everyone has a nice summer.

搭好Ubuntu工作环境以后, 什么都好, 就是接上鼠标以后, 很多键用不了, 比较烦. Ubuntu自带的鼠标设置非常简陋, 罗技也没给Linux做驱动, 只能自己找办法解决.

btnx非常好的解决了这个问题, 而且还带GUI设置工具. 除了设置里没有Apply这个按钮, 让人有点琢磨不透它到底什么时候保存设置以外, 其他都还不错.
调整好设置以后记得点"Restart BTNX"来重启服务.


  1. 在第一次配置的时候, 直接把btnx-config给关上了, 然后就怎么也打不开了. 具体提示的错误是什么不记得了.
    解决方法是删除/etc/btnx/btnx_manager和/etc/btnx_config_Default. (如果我没记错的话...因为我删错了, 才有下文)
  2. 如果你和我一样, 不幸把/etc/btnx/整个文件夹给删了, 你会发现你别管怎么删怎么装, 都没法把那个该死的/etc/btnx/events找回来.
    解决方法是把btnx和btnx-config complete uninstall了, 然后重装.
  3. 在设置好鼠标以后还有点神器的问题, 就是btnx的设置不会屏蔽(override)掉这个按键的默认功能.
    举个例子, 我把鼠标上原先的"前进/后退"设置成了"Ctrl+TAB/Ctrl+Shift+TAB", 当我在浏览器里按这个按钮的时候, 我不光会切换tab, 还会让页面前进/后退...很恶心是不是?
    解决方法是, 编辑~/.Xmodmap把这几个按钮屏蔽掉.
    比如button 8, 9是前进后退, 那就在~/.Xmodmap里写入

    ! Disable buttons 8 and 9
    pointer = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0


前段时间收了个二手的MacBook, 升级到8G内存以后, 所有东西都很给力, 但原来的硬盘只有160G. 从同学那拿了个500G的硬盘, 准备换上.

主分区的迁移很容易, Mac OS X的磁盘工具是神器, 主分区直接恢复到新硬盘的对应分区即可. 但原机主已经装好了Lion(不知道是不是正版), Lion中增加了一个隐藏分区, 可以在系统崩溃的时候作为恢复分区. 所以希望能把隐藏分区完美移植到新硬盘上, 又保留原先Mac分区的数据, 只是扩大容量.

搜索了很多地方, 国内的各大论坛貌似都没有人研究过移植Lion恢复分区的问题, 最后还是在一个英文博客上找到了可行的方法. 翻译整理一下记录在这里, 方便碰到类似问题的朋友. 因为我自己操作的时候并没有截图, 所以直接使用原英文博客上的数据了.


不同系统, 配置文件的位置不太一样.

%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data

Mac OS X在
~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/


用编辑器打开Local State这个文件, 找到以下两行

"last_known_googleurl": "http://www.google.***/",
url": "http://www.google.***/",


"last_known_googleurl": "http://www.google.com/",
url": "http://www.google.com/",

打开Chrome以后随便搜索个东西...他会提示你正在使用google.com, 要不要更换到google.***|.
选择继续使用, 大功告成! 嘿嘿