
by 咳嗽di小鱼

搞定240以后, 晚上就开始搞251...
硬件的东西其实还挺有意思的, 很多是以前只知其然不知其所以然的东西. 比如这回终于知道了为啥虚拟内存的设置叫"页面文件", 比如CPU的L1, L2, L3都是怎么和内存协调工作的...lol`

251 Course Notes上的内容大多都比较容易理解, 不过阅读中文的效率必然还是比英文的高很多, 能在网上找到对应的中文材料是件很幸运的事儿.
虽然对百度文库无好感= =, 但不得不说里边好东西真不少...拿出来给大家分享一下


  1. K K

    WTF..baidu wen ku plug-in?

    1. ...just a html object...simply plug the tag in`

  2. K K

    interesting..i m pulling out source code now..is that from baidu wenku itself? or did u write that up?

    1. Baidu provide it for sharing purpose`

    2. K K

      =D this is smart..

  3. 你好,我看见你在我的博客页面上留言http://neal.im/webhosting/comment-page-1#comment-1870


  4. K K


    1. now u can get mail notification when someone replies.

    2. K K

      but that's gonna spam my inbox..

    3. only if my blog get spammed first`

    4. K K

      can i opt-out on email..?

    5. nop`lol
      i will require captcha if there is spam coming

    6. K K

      T.T and now you are actually spamming both my hotmail and gmail...

  5. 这个有用。很难找到与251匹配率高的中文教材啊

    1. 这个是95%同步率...

    2. (⊙_⊙)什么是blogroll

    3. = =`或者叫`友情链接?

    4. OK啊。我已经你放到友情链接里去了

    5. 哈哈`done...

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